Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Transferring journals

Journals that could not be transferred by their owner will be migrated by the AOL Journals Team tomorrow, Wednesday 29 October. Please leave a note if you have been unable to transfer your AOL journal on your own, including URL and your Gmail address.


Jeannette said...

Well, I can only say that I hope with all my heart that it works. I do not want to lose all those wonderful and supportive comments. We shall have to keep everything crossed.

I have already provided all my details.

D said...

Magic Smoke on AOL says it was going to be done today. Did they had problems?? Do you know? Good gaawd this being cut really close
and I do hope they can figure it out.

brian (baj) salchert said...

My AOL journal migrated on my first
try. Late last night I completed
making it right for blogspot even
though I will be going through it
at least one more time.
Question: Am considering deleting
at least the text portions of my AOL journal, now just Sprintedon.
Is that a good idea?

brian a j s at

D said...

I see on Magic Smoke AOL there has been some success with the manual process. I greatly disappointed that I've not been moved nor contacted with any issues they've gotten. What's up with the manual migration? Did mine fail yet again?

Jeannette said...

Well, all I can say is that I am off to my bed soon. Wednesday 29th is almost over and my journal certainly has NOT been migrated, neither have I heard one single word.

Gayla said...

Here is my Blogger address:
This is where I would like my AOL journal to be transferred to.

Here is my AOL Journal address:

And here is my Gmail email: gaylagal2@gmail.com

Thank you so very much for all the trouble!!!

Gayla L.